Beginning Rfid 1

Mar 10, 2016

It’s the beginning of learning RFID. It need to install these software first:

It should be noted that if your jdk is 32-bit, then your eclipse must be 32-bit. For example, my eclipse is and jdk is jdk-8u74-windows-i586.

If you have installed 64-bit jdk, but the eclipse is 32-bit. In this case, you can install another 32-bit jdk and add this code at the beginning of eclipse.ini:

C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jre1.8.0_74/bin/javaw.exe

Then you can keep the environment variable for 64-bit jdk.

Now, let’s install JCOP.

Step one: Installation

Start eclipse and click Help, Install New Software, Add, archive. And select the JCOP Toll, click on OK button. Select Uncategorized and click Next to start. Click OK if the warning pop up. Select JCOP if the Selection Needed pop up.

Step two: Activation

Quit eclipse. New a file named under your workspace .\metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings, and write down:
Step three: Hello World

Start eclipse. Click File, New, Others, Java Card, Java Card Project, then named the first project. Right-click the project, and click Java Card Applet, then create a package and a java class. Click Next then set the package AID and applet AID, Finish.

My first applet is to send “hello” when selected.

public class Hello extends Applet {
	public static void install(byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength) {
		// GP-compliant JavaCard applet registration
		new Hello().register(bArray, (short) (bOffset + 1), bArray[bOffset]);
	public void process(APDU apdu) {
		// Good practice: Return 9000 on SELECT
		byte ch[]={'h','e','l','l','o'};
		byte[] buf = apdu.getBuffer();
		if (selectingApplet()) {
        	// to send the data received
			//apdu.setOutgoingAndSend((short)5, apdu.setIncomingAndReceive());

			Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(ch, (short)0, buf, (short)0, (short)ch.length);
			apdu.setOutgoingAndSend((short)0, (short)ch.length);
		switch (buf[ISO7816.OFFSET_INS]) {
		case (byte) 0x00:
			// good practice: If you don't know the INStruction, say so:

Click Run Configurations and right-click Java Card Application, new, Run. Type /select 112233445566(select your applet AID).

If your eclipse and jdk is 64-bit, then maybe it will pop up Problem Occurred and the details like ..\eclipse\plugins\\simuls\nJCOP\win32\x86_64\jcop.exe could not found when running the program. The solution is to rename the file folder x86 as x86_64.

Well, my first applet works smoothly.